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17th Annual KY Derby Party Postponed

Over the past 24 hours our sense of normality has disappeared, as well as the way we socialize with friends and loved ones.  First, and foremost I hope you and your families are well.  Everyone’s health and well-being is our priority.  Our second has been trying to process what all this means to the Monmouth Park Charity Fund’s Kentucky Derby Celebration that was to take place May 2nd.

After careful and thoughtful consideration, we have made the decision to reschedule the May 2nd Kentucky Derby Celebration.  We are considering several possible dates and scenarios and will keep you posted as we have more information.
We know that no matter what, our event will still be the party of the year, and its success will be even more critical than ever to our charities.  It is our commitment to do what is best for our community and the agencies we support.

We deeply appreciate those who have already contributed to this event and assure you that the money will be held safely in an account to be used at the rescheduled event. If you have any questions please contact Debi Heptig by responding to this email or leave a message at 732-571-5325.

Our mission has become more critical as we meet head to head with this world wide pandemic and your dedication is more meaningful than ever.  The local nonprofits we support serve populations that are especially vulnerable during a crisis like this.  With your help, we will redouble our fundraising efforts and our rescheduled event will be the most successful yet!

Please look for our updates in the near future and stay healthy and safe.  Thank you again for your continued support of the Kentucky Derby Celebration event.


Maureen Lloyd
President Board of Trustees
Monmouth Park Charity Fund