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Our 17th Annual Kentucky Derby Party & All Other Fundraising Events Have Been Cancelled

But our commitment continues…

This is a year like none we have ever experienced.  Confronted with uncertainties for our future and with an ever-growing demand for support services by our friends, neighbors and loved ones impacted by COVID19, we are appealing to our supporters to pivot their sponsorships and reservations to make a straight donation to Monmouth Park Charity Fund.

“In Monmouth County there is a diverse group of populations that rely on our non-profit agencies to receive needed medical and mental health services, food to put on their tables, and an array of support services,” shared Maureen Lloyd, President of the Board of Trustees of MPCF.  “In recent months, with the pandemic not seeming to leave us alone anytime soon, these agencies have been working around the clock. Our goal at MPCF is to continue our legacy of giving even during this dire time. We ask the community to continue to support MPCF! Although we have had to cancel our biggest event, we still are asking our past donors, attendees, and sponsors to support our goal of raising more than $265,000 by donating to our organization in the next few months so that the non-profit agencies we support through grants will be able to receive their check at MPCF’s Annual Tea in late October and carry on their service to our most vulnerable citizens.” 

Please donate through PayPal to make your gift – or call Debi Heptig, Director of Operations at 732-571-5325 or email monmouthparkcharity@gmail for more information.

As you know, our Annual Kentucky Derby is an elegant affair that draws more than 400 attendees and has become one of the most anticipated events in Monmouth County. Known for its Derby Hat Parade and Contest, raffles and auction, and specialty cocktails and cuisine, it is a true Derby celebration often attended by the sitting Governor and other notable figures. But more than a fun and exciting party, the day at the races is the main fundraiser for MPCF. Last year a new record was set with more than $417,000 raised, and those funds provided 99% of the 58 grants that were awarded by MPCF to local nonprofits.  We hope to see you May 2021 for next years’ Kentucky Derby Day Celebration Fundraiser!